Re: Got this - not sure of authenticity. Better safe etc...

Craig Presson (
Tue, 06 Dec 1994 14:23:51 -0600

Not only that, but AOL mail will not send attachments to outside
addresses anyway. This is the third copy of this warning I have seen
today, but I did *not* see either the warning or the "Good Times"
message when I checked my mail on AOL.

Looks like the warning message is much more virulent than
the "Good Times" mail (shades of CHRISTMA EXEC).

-- FCP

At 07:00 PM 12/5/94 -0500, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>Yup. Those email viruses are almost as dangerous as artificially
>intelligent network packets.
>Doug Hughes says:
>> PC Users:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- 
>> Subject: virus
>> There is a virus on America Online being sent by E-Mail.  If you get anything
>> called "Good Times", DON'T read it or download it.  It is a virus that will 
>> erase your hard drive.  Forward this to all your friends.  It may help them 
>> alot.
\\ (Craig Presson)\
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